Kia ora, Nulca NZ whānau!
Thank you to those who attended the AGM this year. Its always great to connect with our everyone and understand where we can better represent our members. We are looking at options to take the AGM on the road next year so watch this space.
Last month Nulca were exhibitors at the CCNZ conference in Auckland. The goal for attending this event was to push the importance of utility locating to CCNZ members attending the conference while also showcasing our members to the wider industry. The feedback from contractors was positive but one of the key take aways was there are areas in the country where contractors are struggling to find locators.
Lastly, we would like to welcome the newest member to the Nulca Board Elaine O’Neill! Elaine has vast experience in the survey & construction industry and brings great skills to the board. Welcome!!

Waihanga Ara Rau would like to thank you for supporting the development of the first underground utility location micro-credential This is the start of more development work for credentials for the UUL industry. Micro-credential submission The next steps in the process are an internal peer review process and submission of the micro-credential to NZQA. Many of you signed attestations for the unit standards in this micro-credential to show industry consultation. It would be great if you could sign the micro-credential attestation for submission to NZQA. Link to files: Next steps We will keep you updated with any feedback from the NZQA evaluation. If you have any questions, please get in touch. |
Last month Nulca were exhibitors at the CCNZ conference in Auckland. The goal for attending this event was to push the importance of utility locating to CCNZ members attending the conference while also showcasing our members to the wider industry.

Membership drive Price of individual membership has been reduced by 55% to $99 to encourage more individual members and to promote Nulca NZ exposure. This will be re-evaluated in the next 12 months. Employers are encouraged to include this in employment contracts. Organization membership will still be the backbone of Nulca NZ with beforeUdig discounts associated with this membership option and further industry partners will be approached to increase. |

‘Death Stick’ Education, by Paul Rodgers (NULCA Board Member & Director of ULS Utility Locators)
As professional locators, we are well aware of the risks underneath our feet that we cannot see. And as we know, sometimes construction workers don’t give these hazards enough thought or consideration. Apart from excavation and drilling work, one of the risks to underground services that I see on a regular basis, is the dreaded waratah, or more aptly referred to as ‘death stick’. These pieces of steel are used for the temporary installation of silt or safety fencing, but I have also found these used on sites as boxing pegs, as additional support for temporary mesh safety fencing, and for real-estate signage.
Read the full article here:

Do you have something you’d like us to share in the ‘A Locators View’ space?
Your images must:
- Be accompanied by a small blurb about why you think it’s important we share it i.e. is it a common discussion point among your peers?
- Not ‘brand-spank’ (i.e. try avoid brand names, this is not a marketing tool for your brand/product)
Images chosen for showcasing are at the discretion of Nulca NZ.
Email your images and blurb to or reply direct to this newsletter!
A NOTE FROM YOUR PRESIDENT Spring has sprung…… It feels like this rain and rubbish weather has been with us forever!! Hopefully a change in the season brings a change in having to tell contractors that paint does not stick in the rain. As much as I enjoy being out and about nothing good comes from trying to do our jobs when the weather is against us. Thanks to those of you who joined us at the recent AGM. It is always good to connect with our members in both formal and informal settings. It was good to get some feedback from you as members on where we should be focusing our attention over the next little. It’s awesome to have Elaine join the board and already we have seen her enthusiasm show through on the social media accounts. The time spent at the CCNZ conference saw the board rub shoulders with a huge array of people and the feedback we got from the contractors present was mostly positive. There appears to be some gaps in the country where contractors are struggling to find locator resources so if you are looking to expand your business there definitely are some opportunities out there. As the industry body, we are here to help out where we can. If you encounter issues or have questions you can’t find the answer to (locator-related) reach out to and we can use the board experience to help out as best we can. If you have good things that you are seeing or doing in the locating space send this through as well and we can push it out on our socials to help put what we do in a positive light. Enjoy the countdown to daylight savings and BBQ season which is only just around the corner. Cheers Brent. |
The next board meeting is the 11th of October
Stay safe everyone