Constitutional Changes Are Coming

At the 2022 AGM we will be voting on a number of changes to the Nulca NZ rules that were lodged when the association was first established.

Our rules define how the association functions and what we are broadly allowed to do.

There a a number of general changes to the rules, most of which are just to change the way we refer to things. We’ve also fixed a bit of grammar and errors in the original document.

Key wording changes are: Board instead of Committee, Constitution instead of Rules, and Working Groups instead of subcommittees.

Specific changes are outlined in both of the documents below which you can download and read before the AGM in August. Most of the changes are to make administration and task assignment easier for the Board, but there are several key changes worthy of note:

  • Membership fees will be billed based on a joining anniversary rather than on a set date in the calendar. It simplifies our administration and means no part fees will be required if someone join towards the end of the subscription year.
  • Members with overdue membership fees will be notified by the Board that membership will lapse on a certain date. After that date the assumption is that the member has resigned if payment has not been received and there has been no communication from the member.
  • Specific allowance has been made for electronic voting. The mechanism and processes around how this will happen are still to be determined but it will be formally recognised in the constitution.

New government legislation for the administration of incorporated societies was also passed this year, the Incorporated Societies Act 2022, and some changes we’ve made are to address new requirements of this act.

You can read about all the changes in the memo below and in a marked up copy of the current rules, showing all proposed changes.

These changes will be tabled at the August AGM for ratification by eligible members with current voting rights.

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